President’s Corner, Holiday Edition!

Hello Shipmates;

The holiday season is again upon us and I am sure that most of us are looking forward to getting together with our families for Christmas, Hanukah, or which ever holiday you may observe. Another New Year is just on the horizon and I know that I am looking forward to it.

Isn’t it funny how the time seems to go by much quicker, the older we get. When we were young and at sea it seemed to go by a whole lot slower, didn’t it?

Can you believe that this month marks the 71 st anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor and ultimately the entry of the US into WW II. Where does the time go?

The next reunion of the USS Boston Shipmates will be in July, 2013 in Albuquerque, New Mexico. I look forward to seeing each and every one of you there this year. I am sure it will be a great time.

In closing on behalf of the committee of the USS Boston Shipmates I want to wish you all good health and happiness for this holiday season and for the New Year. See you in July!
